Easy online counselling

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Your Mental Health Matters

Mental health often gets overlooked during the busyness of everyday life. It’s easy to focus on your job, family, responsibilities, and priorities, but it can be so hard to find time for your mental health. For most people, maintaining a positive, healthy outlook on life is hard, especially during the current times.

If you’re struggling with your mental health or feel like you’re alone, know that there is hope. Take the time today to focus on your mental health. A Wellin5 online counsellor is available to meet with you through our video counselling platform, when and where it works best for you.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Many of our clients struggle with issues like anxiety, depression, trauma or stress. Talking to an online therapist is an affordable way to take care of your mental health concerns. Here are some testimonials from our clients.

I have thoroughly enjoyed having someone to discuss things with that are unbiased and looking in from the outside. I look forward to my sessions and I always come away from them feeling better than before.
- Charlene
It felt great to have someone listen to my concerns, empathize with my feelings, and offer strategies. It felt like a guiding light when I was lost.
- Jess
I am pleasantly surprised at how much I love the online counselling! It felt easy to open up because I was at home in my pajamas. I tried it because of COVID and I think I might never go back to in-person again.
- Robyn
Wellin5 matched me with a therapist who specializes in exactly what my root issue is, he is so gentle and comfortable to talk to, and I instantly felt at ease with him.
- Kevvy
My husband and I have individual counsellors and a marriage counsellor through Wellin5 and we really like the convenience of having our sessions at home online. 
- K.L.
Wellin5 has been an absolute blessing to my family. It's so easy and convenient. We found a counsellor we connect with and actually look forward to our weekly appointments!
- K