Getting back into alignment with yourself, hosted by Wellin5 in Vancouver, BC.

Getting back to yourself: how to find and maintain alignment

There will be moments in life when you feel out of alignment with yourself, and that’s okay! It’s a normal part of growth, change, and evolution. While it can happen to everyone, it’s often an uncomfortable feeling that leaves you feeling lost or unsure what to do next. The good news is, there are ways to realign with yourself so you can start living a fuller, more authentic life. Let’s talk about how to get back into alignment with yourself. 

Sit in silence with meditation

Our society doesn’t prioritize quiet time. Our lives today are unbelievably busy and it’s easy to go through the whole day without taking even a second for peace and quiet. Our lives are busy! With commuting, work, social lives and filling the blank spaces with podcasts, audiobooks, social media and any other form of noise. It can be pretty easy to never truly sit down to do nothing. Meditation allows you to get out of your head, tune into your body, and recognize what what you’ve been missing.

Taking just 5-10 minutes to focus on your breath has been shown to improve focus, and reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. Sitting down for the first time can feel uncomfortable. However, the feeling of calm after the fact is well worth it. If you struggle to do this alone, try guided meditations through an app like Headspace, Calm, or find a free one on YouTube. 

Organize your thoughts with journaling

Putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard if you prefer) is an amazing way to figure out how you really feel. Our thoughts can feel jumbled floating around in our brains. Journaling helps you organize that chaos and get to the root of what’s been on your mind. So you can take next steps to find alignment with yourself. Not sure what to write about? We recommend getting started with journal prompts. You’d be surprised at how much there is to write once you get into the swing of things. Journaling is a fantastic habit to integrate into your daily morning or evening routine to maintain alignment.

Exercise — get out of your head and into your body 

Mental and physical health go hand in hand. Physical exercise releases endorphins in the body that reduce stress, relieve pain, and get you out of your head. Spending more time in the physical body anchors you to the present moment. That means less rumination, more mindfulness, and more alignment with yourself. 

Find support with counselling

Sometimes we need a little extra help when we feel out of alignment. A registered counsellor can support your mental health journey. So you can identify why you feel out of alignment, and how to get back in it. Wellin5’s team of registered counsellors can work with you to develop an action plan, so you can get back to feeling like yourself.Get started today and get back to alignment.