Red DeerRed Deer

Helping those in Red Deer manage their mental health.

Finding a counsellor in Red Deer can be tough. Wellin5 matches you to a registered counsellor who meets your needs in as little as 5 minutes!

Get Started

Did you know?

It can be difficult to find a counsellor in a smaller developing area like Red Deer. Many are booked up, often far from the central Red Deer area, or are unable to take new clients and meet their specialized needs. Online counselling is here to fill that gap in an accessible, cost-effective way.

Wellin5 matches you to a qualified online counsellor who meets your unique needs, and fits right into your schedule.

Get counselling that works for you. Connect with a Wellin5 counsellor today.

Get Matched Today

Here's how it works

Select your appointment length and time slot

Select between 1 hour or half hour increments and time slots available in your counsellor’s calendar. You can even leave your counsellor a note to let them know what’s been on your mind.

Complete your pre-book survey

Complete the pre-booking survey which will help your counsellor know how best they can give you the support you need.

Receive a confirmation for your counsellor

Your counsellor will send a confirmation your way to ensure both of you are on the same page.

Hop into the meeting room and get started

Log in at any time to see when your session will begin. Your session will start at your scheduled time and will provide the support you need.