Woman staring at laptop screen, holding head in handsWoman staring at laptop screen, holding head in hands

Experiencing anxiety? You're not alone. Online anxiety counselling can help.

If you're struggling with anxiety, speaking to a counsellor can help. You can learn how to effectively flow with anxiety as it comes and goes.

Anxiety therapy helps you develop useful coping mechanisms and new ways to think about problems that can make them more manageable.

Wellin5 connects you with online therapists in Canada who are highly specialized in counselling for anxiety. You can participate in online therapy for anxiety from the comfort of your own home.

Wellin5 is a Canadian company :flag-ca: with therapists who can provide services to every province and territory across Canada. Wellin5 psychotherapy, counselling and social work services are generally covered by most Canadian insurance providers.

Get Started

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the mind and body's response to something that feels stressful, new, or unsafe. This can manifest as feelings of uncertainty, panic or fear.

Excessive anxiety can impact your quality of life, but proven methods for addressing this issue are available to you. Counselling services for anxiety empower you to make positive changes to reduce anxiety and better understand the root causes of these feelings.

Symptoms of anxiety

Experiencing anxiety can mean intense and persistent worry and unexpected anxiety attacks. These are sudden feelings of intense fear and panic. Understandably, these symptoms can seriously affect your mental health.

Without treatment, anxiety can be a persistent issue. Just keep in mind that you can access counselling therapy for anxiety to help soothe these symptoms.

What are some common anxiety coping techniques?

Anxiety can be calmed and managed through meditation or deep breathing to calm the body and mind. Journaling or calling a friend or family member to talk through the feeling can also help. It can also be managed long-term by setting the right habits. That includes fueling the body properly and getting enough sleep.

These actions are undoubtedly positive but they may not be enough to manage anxiety by themselves. That’s where working with an online therapist comes into play.

How we can help

Wellin5's counsellors provide anxiety counselling via video chat for anyone, anywhere in Canada. Our counsellors are licensed professionals, equipped to support you through many forms of anxiety, and other day-to-day issues.

Here's how it works

Select your appointment length and time slot

Select between 1 hour or half hour increments and time slots available in your counsellor’s calendar. You can even leave your counsellor a note to let them know what’s been on your mind.

Complete your pre-book survey

Complete the pre-booking survey which will help your counsellor know how best they can give you the support you need.

Receive a confirmation for your counsellor

Your counsellor will send a confirmation your way to ensure both of you are on the same page.

Hop into the meeting room and get started

Your meeting room will be available an hour before you are ready. Hop in and get ready to be supported.