man staring at laptop screen, holding head in handsman staring at laptop screen, holding head in hands

Life transitions can be exciting! But they can also feel stressful and uncertain. Our counsellors are here to support you.

If you’re going through big changes in your life, Wellin5 has online Canadian therapists who are highly specialized in counselling for life transitions.

Wellin5 is a Canadian company :flag-ca: offering counselling for clients in every province and territory across Canada. Wellin5 psychotherapy, counselling and social work services are covered by most Canadian insurance providers.

Get Started

What is a life transition?

Life transitions are periods or phases that involve a lot of change in lifestyle, health, mentality, living situations, or career.


You may be struggling with life transitions if you’re experiencing uncertainty, anxiety, depression, distress, and high stress levels.

How can life transitions be addressed?

While some find life transitions exciting, others may struggle to adjust to the new changes. This is normal and to be expected during transitional periods that involve a lot of change.

How we can help

Wellin5's counsellors provide online counselling for anyone, anywhere in Canada. They’re equipped to support you through life transitions and other day-to-day issues.

Here's how it works

Select your appointment length and time slot

Select between 1 hour or half hour increments and time slots available in your counsellor’s calendar. You can even leave your counsellor a note to let them know what’s been on your mind.

Complete your pre-book survey

Complete the pre-booking survey which will help your counsellor know how best they can give you the support you need.

Receive a confirmation for your counsellor

Your counsellor will send a confirmation your way to ensure both of you are on the same page.

Hop into the meeting room and get started

Your meeting room will be available an hour before you are ready. Hop in and get ready to be supported.