woman looking out of windowwoman looking out of window

Loneliness affects us all. Find comfort and company with our loneliness online counsellors.

Human contact is integral to health. That’s why loneliness is a feeling that’s important to address early on. If you’re struggling with loneliness or isolation, speaking to a counsellor can help.

Wellin5 has Canadian therapists who are highly specialized in counselling for healthy ways to cope with loneliness. Get matched with an online counsellor in as little as 5 minutes.

Wellin5 is a Canadian company :flag-ca: with therapists in every province and territory across Canada. Wellin5 psychotherapy, counselling and social work services are covered by most Canadian insurance providers.

Get Started

What is loneliness?

Loneliness is the feeling we get when our need for social contact and close relationships goes unmet. Loneliness is different from being alone — it can happen even when we’re surrounded by others. On the contrary, some may feel perfectly content living in solitude.


Chronic loneliness can lead to decreased energy, feelings of self-doubt, hopelessness, anxiousness, trouble sleeping, and changes in appetite.

How can loneliness be addressed?

Loneliness can often come on as a result of big life changes. For example, the death of a loved one, changing jobs, moving to a new city, starting university can all bring on feelings of loneliness and isolation. We can manage loneliness by focusing on social relationships and connection.

How we can help

Wellin5's counsellors provide online counselling for anyone, anywhere in Canada. They’re equipped to support you with a plan to lessen feelings of loneliness, and start feeling connected to others again. Wellin5 psychotherapy, counselling and social work services are covered by most Canadian insurance providers.

Here's how it works

Select your appointment length and time slot

Select between 1 hour or half hour increments and time slots available in your counsellor’s calendar. You can even leave your counsellor a note to let them know what’s been on your mind.

Complete your pre-book survey

Complete the pre-booking survey which will help your counsellor know how best they can give you the support you need.

Receive a confirmation for your counsellor

Your counsellor will send a confirmation your way to ensure both of you are on the same page.

Hop into the meeting room and get started

Your meeting room will be available an hour before you are ready. Hop in and get ready to be supported.